The Narrow Way

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."  Jesus Christ Across the world of christendom lies a sea of teaching.... Continue Reading →

Hearing from God

I've noticed a relationship with God and searching for car keys are very similar: The answers are often right in front of us. For years, I have earnestly searched for a close friendship with God. Not so much in the sense that we were far apart, but simply because I wanted to hear from him... Continue Reading →

Forgiveness. Learning How to Let Go

Corrie Ten Boom tells of the day she met one of her former death camp guards in a church immediately after World War II. After giving a lesson on forgiveness, she was approached by the former guard who asked Corrie to forgive him for the terrible things he had done to her and her family.... Continue Reading →

Why Christians are Leaving Christianity

A close relative of mine is Buddhist. That in and of itself may not sound strange. But what is unnerving is he used to be a dyed-in-the-wool Baptist. Talk about one extreme to the other! There is a growing trend in American Christianity. People are leaving churches and embracing eastern religions, especially Buddhism. While I... Continue Reading →

Christ and Buddha

I have many wonderful and caring Buddhist friends as well as others from different beliefs. Many say there are no real differences between Buddha and Christ; that they are the same. While there are some striking similarities, there are some glaring and crucial differences. —Buddha taught a moral life through our own selves.. Jesus taught... Continue Reading →

Son of God

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16,... Continue Reading →

Sitar Christianity

For the past six months, I have been learning to play the Indian sitar. For a novice, I think I'm starting to sound pretty good. My wife and kids say I sound like a screaming banshee. I do not think they meant it as a compliment. The sitar is an amazing instrument. It requires a... Continue Reading →


Writing is tough. At least it is for me. For some time, I've been struggling to get back into the habit of posting my thoughts on the Gospel. However, time and laziness have gotten the best of me. I agree that it isn't a good thing for a ministry decided to discipleship, or discipline, should... Continue Reading →

Reaching Deep

No doubt many of us will begin the new year with a renewed vigor to read the scriptures and get deeper into our Bibles. Of course, this is a good thing. Few disciples would show disdain toward anyone wanting to get deeper into the teachings of Christ. I would, however, like to encourage you to... Continue Reading →

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